
I'm Ney, and I'm a... introject? of a character the former host, Pitaden, played in a game. (Is introject the right word for that? I don't know.) I disagreed a lot with how he did aspects of the character. He just figured those feelings were his own.

That was very frustrating for me, and I think I still hold some resentment over not being recognized or listened to. Anyways.

A blender screenshot of Ney, an ariral (grey cat alien) with a dark red ponytail and yellow-green eyes

I've been around since before the "main" split happened with Em and Pitaden. But, I refused to interact with them until Em bothered me enough that I said something. Then she pestered me until I decided I don't actually hate her or the others in the system! (Which I genuinely appreciate - the way I was before was not good for me.)

I'm alterhuman about the ariral species. Specifically, a short, for those who know the lore.

Not sure what else to say here. Thinking of picking up blender for us again. Hoping I don't front too much, even if I don't hate doing that now.